The project "Interpreting the Identity of Nowy Port" is aninitiative by the ŁAŹNIA Centre for Contemporary Art in collaboration with its Italian partner, Ex-Voto. This project issupported by the SYNERGIE grant, which is funded by the National Centre for Culture as part of Poland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Distance can often seem like a barrier, but it can also be a matter of choice—a decision about what we value enough to overcome it. The ŁAŹNIA 2 CCA building is situated just a short distance from the center of Gdańsk, in the Nowy Port district. While the journey only takes about 15 minutes and isnot demanding, reaching this location can be challenging ifyou do not live, work, or intentionally choose to go in thatdirection.
Nowy Port is a district of Gdańsk located at the mouth of the Dead Vistula at the Bay of Gdańsk, surrounded by industrialareas, green spaces and inland waters, which is why it issometimes perceived as separated from the rest of the city. This physical separation has its roots in history: the area hasfor centuries been the site of a battle between nature and civilisation. As late as the 16th century, it lay beneath the waters of the Bay of Gdańsk, and its present form is the resultof sand being deposited by the Vistula and hydraulicengineering works.
Nowy Port has played a significant role in the history of Gdańsk, serving as a key port area that developed rapidly afterthe creation of the New Waterway in the 17th century. Initially, the district's growth was centered around inns. In the 18th century, it evolved into a strategic maritime hub, featuring two lighthouses and the Western Lair, which wereestablished by the Prussians. During the communist period, the district was designated as a border zone, which isolated itand significantly hindered its social development.
Since 2008, revitalization efforts have been undertaken to restore its former character.
Distance, understood as the space between people or places, isnot fixed - it can be managed, planned activities in urbanspace are created to tame and shorten it.
„Interpreting the Identity of Nowy Port" encourages residentsand visitors to the district to participate in dialogue and re-imagine the possibilities within the area. It assumes a juxtaposition of local and European perspectives. Naples is a Mediterranean city known for its deeply rooted identity. The sense of belonging within the local community can be seen as a socio-cultural movement. The local identity is very strong; the inhabitants are connected to each other and to the citythrough a shared set of values and lifestyle. A collaborativeproject between such seemingly unrelated and distant citieswill bring them together, highlighting common European values, cultural heritage, and the unique characteristics of bothcities and their port districts.
The activities aim to reshape the perception of Nowy Port by exploring its history, highlighting interesting places, and uncovering hidden corners. We want to emphasize the valueof this space, both for its residents and for the city as a whole. We believe that creating a new narrative can strengthen localidentity and make Nowy Port a more inviting and accessible place.
The project will feature design workshops, collaboration with local experts, and activities aimed at a diverse audience, including those aged 60 and older, as well as people with disabilities. We will also invite the residents of Gdańsk to participate in this initiative, enabling us to collectively shape the future of Nowy Port as a unique neighborhood that blendshistory, art, and everyday life.